Monday 3 January 2011

Granddaughters Thoughts

I have realised that Parky affects a lot of people around me so I thought that I would from time to time ask others what they think. So the first one is from my 12 year old Granddaughter
“When I first found out that my nanny was writing a blog I just thought that she would help herself understand much more about what she has got and what effect it has on people but as I have read them all I have learnt much more myself .
 As I have grown up with her having Parky by her side I have realised that I need to help as much as I possibly can. When I first learnt to tell the time I look at the clock (when I was staying with her) and I would tell her that she needed to take her tablets.
 Now if she wants to write something and I’m about I would write it out for her. I also walk round to the corner shop to buy things that she needs. So if there was anything that she needed me to do I would do it straight away.
 I immediately know that something is wrong as when I was little she rang wanting to speak to my mum but she was busy so after I had to put the phone down I went to my mum and said “Nanny’s Voice Doesn’t Sound Right” mum rang her back to find out how she was, and that’s how I know that something is wrong as her voice goes all different. “
I don’t think any of us realise how we affect other people’s lives, so it’s quite nice to be aware how they feel.

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