Friday 3 December 2010

My Passion

What about an afternoon in good company and your favourite thing to eat, that’s what happened at our last Parkinson’s meeting, Our group is a very friendly mix of people who enjoy each other’s company the last Friday in the month.
We either have a speaker or maybe a quiz, but this time we had a lady who makes Chocolates for a living. Her passion for my favourite subject, and the samples she brought with her, made for a very enjoyable afternoon.

[MUM - me here   hee hee - is it worth saying that maybe the 'happy' effect of chocolate keeps the stress away - so therefore it should be on prescription for all Parkinson's patients?!?!]

My daughter keeps an eye on my blogging as I am terrible at spelling. (think I am dyslexic)
I found this comment above and thought you would like to see how in tune she is with me. I second the above statement.

Who knows I may even let her add an odd fact now and then!!!!!!!!!!!

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